
Thursday, 9 July 2015

Scammer Proof Yourself

First of all, let’s discuss the methods of scamming.
Trusting ~ Common ~ Harms about 90% ~

Trust trading often goes like this. The scammer is wearing a good item, like a spike, and they have a cheap store-bought item on their trade.
1- Scammer: “Trust me for this_______! I won’t accept!11!!11111111”
2 -Jammer (thinks): Ooooooooooooh I really want that spike. Besides a lot of OTHER jammers are doing it and THEY don’t get scammed, so I should too! (trades really good items)
3- S: (cancels trade) Seeeeeeeeee, I didn’t accept, so you should trust me!!11111!!!!
4 -J (thinks): They didn’t cancel! This must be for real! (sends even better items)
5 S: (cancels again) Come on, ________ is winning with _______ items!!! Giveaway ends in 1 minute!
6- J ( thinks): Oh no!!!!!! I really want that ______! I should just go for it! (sends all of their good items)
7- S: (accepts and runs away)
8 -J: What?! They tricked me! Scammer!!!!!!!!!
Red Flag:
Instead of having the actual item, they have a cheap store-bought one.
It’s because they weren’t really meaning to give ______ away, they just wanted more. If they lose the store-bought item, it doesn’t matter, because they have more GOOD items to replace it.
1.       OTHER ‘USER’: To make their ‘giveaway’ seem more real, the scammer will usually be operating another account that is ‘trusting’ them. This way, they let you think that because the other ‘user’ isn’t getting scammed, you won’t be too. BEWARE! THEY WILL SCAM YOU!
2.       TRUST IS CRUST: To make you give them all of your good items, they will NOT accept your first trades. Because of this, you will think that they will not accept the rest of your trades. HOWEVER, once you give it all you’ve got, the scammers will press the accept button and run away, leaving you in the dust.
3.       PEER PRESSURE: Often the scammers will say something like:”Only 1 minute / 10 seconds / etc until giveaway ends!” This will make you frantic, because you REALLY want the item. So, in order to ‘get’ it, you will give it all you’ve got and send your best items. Soon enough, a click and it’s gone, no prize, no items.

Gifting ~ Common ~ Harms about 85%~

Gift-scamming is also quite common. It often goes like this.
Method 1~ The scammer will be in a crowded place, saying things like:”Gift me, it’s my birthday!” or “Gift me so I can give the items to my BF!” or “Gift me, if I get 10 spikes then my bff who has cancer will get better!” etc. Some of these might be true (except the last one), but most of them are lying. They want to take advantage of your gratitude for THEIR BENEFIT.

Method 2~: Dialogue

Scammer:”Gift me _____ and I’ll gift you a ________(insert good item[s])!!!!!!! Not a scam!!!!!!!111111!111”
First Jammer: “Ooooooooh I don’t think they’re lying! I’m going to send them it!”
Second Jammer:” Why not use the trading system?!”
S: “My trading system is broken…/it doesn’t work.”
1J and 2J: “Oh, okay……” (gifts scammer)
S: (runs away)
1J and 2J: (sad face)

Red Flag:
Why don’t they use the trading system?
They wanted you to gift them. That way, there’s no risk of losing the item, and the benefit of getting one.
1.       GUILT-TRIPPING; Scammers will say things like:”You’re mean”or “I’m quitting because of you” or “I’m reporting you to AJHQ”. They want to pressure you to make you feel bad for them. No one wants to be bad, right (except for them scammers)? Once you do gift, they’re flying away.
2.       PEER PRESSURE: Often the scammers will say something like:”Only 1 minute / 10 seconds / etc until giveaway ends!” This will make you frantic, because you REALLY want the item. So, in order to ‘get’ it, you will give it all you’ve got and send your best items. Soon enough, a click and it’s gone, no prize, no items.
Double-User ~ Rare (I’ve seen it only once) ~ Harm: ?

Double-user scamming often requires 2 accounts, or 2 actual scamming buddies.

First Scammer: I will trade _____(insert good item) for _______(insert item that is in a holiday store, or an item that is not in-store but still common)!
Second Scammer: I have __________(insert the same common not-in-store item)!
Jammer: (thinks) Wow, what a bargain! I’m going to trade 2S!
2S (rejects every trade): “Only trading good items for that!”
1S: “Uh oh, I have to go in ______minutes!”
J: (trades good items): “There!”
1S and 2S runs away/logs off
J: (sad face)
Red Flag:
Is it just a coincidence that one has the same item, and the other wants it? Why don’t they just trade each other?
This is all part of their evil plan.
1.   PRESSURE PACT: Often the scammers will say something like:”Only 1 minute / 10 seconds / etc until giveaway ends!” This will make you frantic, because you REALLY want the item. So, in order to ‘get’ it, you will give it all you’ve got and send your best items. Soon enough, a click and it’s gone, no prize, no items.
2.       NO TRADE: The scammers won’t trade each other. Why? It's because they want YOU to trade them, so they'll get your items.
1.       Guilt-tripping - Say things like, 'You're mean', 'Bully!', '(cries, sad face)', dialogues and actions that  make you pity them.
2.       Peer pressure - Putting limits on things. For example, they say that someone's winning and you only have a few seconds left. If you really want the item, then you'll begin to feel worried, so you'll try your best to send all your good items.
3.       Blaming the fault on you. [Ex. Once, I was at a fake giveaway. The user was asking everyone to trust, and I was running around saying: ‘DON’T DO IT! IT’S A SCAM!1!!!!!!!111!” Finally some people were SMART ENOUGH to realize it was fake. So before locking his den (apparently locking dens is their safety net; always get their username before that!), he said:"Thanks to Fauna (that's me) for making me lock the den. " Like, seriously. -_-]’
4.       Not answering your questions. [Ex. Once, a scammer was doing the giveaway scam, and I was asking:”Why not use the trading system? That’s what it’s for1” and they were like: “Cause it’s broken.” I asked:”Then why don’t you tell AJHQ?” They started ignoring me, and then started insulting and swearing at me when I kept asking (there's always someone there to call me b****; I've gotten used to it now. Sometimes they know they're wrong, but will do ANYTHING to prove they're right. -_-)
Well, that’s it for now. I’ll post more when I think of more.


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