
Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Why not pull a chair out of a pond?

[This was written yesterday, but I didn't have enough time to publish it them]

Today, I am half-frozen to death.
Today, we pulled a chair out of a pond.

Yep, good times.

So, gym is in block 2. 9:33 to 10:58. About an hour and a halfish. It was second block, the last one before lunch, and I was already cold inside the school (clad in sweatpants and a t-shirt).
The schedule said our class was outside, so we waited beside the door for our teacher, Mr.S. (Apparently he was a really hard marker, and only a few people in his class have gotten A's. RIP Principal's List for me ;-;).

So we went outside, freezing, and we had to run to the goalposts and back, about half a km. I was already tired from that, but we had to line up to do our 'dynamic excerises'. We had to do about 15 of those (ex. lunging from one end to the other and back [about 10m]). I was exhausted from the run, and doing that made me feel half-dead.
If you haven't noticed already, I'm not the most athletic person in the world.
So after that torture, we finally decided to play capture the flag. I was on the team with blue pinnies, with my friend. I didn't want to risk running to capture the flag, because 1.) I was too tired. 2.) Being chased by some 4 people was not my cup of tea.
So I stayed on my side to guard; however, our team lost. And by that I mean, that we lost. The other team took all of our 'flags' (footballs and frisbees); apparently, according to our teacher, that has never happened before.
Well, at least we made history.
Anyways, you might've been more curious about the pulling-an-office-chair-out-of-a-pond business.
Well, today was 'Lend-A-Hand', which basically means (for the Environment Club members) going around the school to help clean up trash. Not the best job, but we can't just let the garbage sit there, can we?
So today, with about 12 people, the club executive decided that we should have a competition. We were diveded into 3 teams, about 3 people each, and given bags. The team with the most amount of bags would win candy (and bragging rights). We got 1 hour to find garbage (3-4pm).
So I went off with Team One, and at 3:40ish, we came across our school(? I'm not sure if that's actually school property) pond. It was a nice pond actually, with trees on its banks, and shining water.
However, the eyesore (and peculiar sight) was a red-ish office chair floating in the middle, laying on its side.
One of our team members decided that if we manage to pull out this chair, we would win the competition for sure. Well, that was easier said than done.
There was a long (about 3m) branch lying in the water, and we hauled the branch so it stuck under the chair. Then, that valiant member tried to step across it to the chair. But the branch was about 5m wide, and he said that it might break.
So, after some discussion (and curiosity from the other groups that had come), that member tied the plastic bags around his feet and stepped through the muck to pull the chair towards us. However, halfway to the bank, the plastic bags started slipping down, so he tried to hurry, and ended up with some water in the bags. Lucky for him, he wore shorts on that cold day.
But we managed to get the chair out and roll it (dripping) towards the dumpsters, and all was well (except for that boy).

Ah, that reminds me of the other incident in the last Lend-A-Hand; one of our members fell into the same pond trying to get a piece of garbage (the water only splashed his pants; the pond wasn't deep). Don't ask.


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