I just found the new covers for the Infernal Devices! It's an awesome series, you should go read it if you can (it's teen).
Looking at Jem (he's the one playing the violin) just breaks my heart...
Graystripe x Silverstream is one of my favourite Warrior Cat couples; unfortuantely, it ends in tragedy.
Graystripe belongs to Thunderclan, while Silverstream is in Riverclan. Relationships between clans are forbidden, but they still try to stay together. However, Silverstream dies when she gives birth to their kits.
This video almost made me cry;
It's a sad video (the voice acting though!) but it's quite beautiful as well.
Anyways, it made me think of this song: Stay With Me By: Danity Kane
It's perfect for them ;-; I'll try to make an animation about them when I can (learn how to animate, and do it correctly), but that will probably take some years from now.
As you might know, this year, September 23 is the Autumn Equinox. The
Equinox is when all of the world equally gets 12 hours of day and
night, due to revelation around the Sun (which I just learned in my
Socials class, plus a whole bunch of other stuff about mapping). In
other words, today is the last day of summer, but tomorrow is the first
day of autumn. Something to celebrate, I guess, but other than that,
just a random little fact.
Lynxes are here! To be honest though, they look like cubs. I would prefer them to have the same lengthened shape as snow leopards. Oh, well, you gotta make with what you have. They're also member, available in the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds. I would really wish for one member animal to be turned non-member, because there hasn't been one, in, 4 years?! Sea turtles were released in 2011, so.............................. *silence*. Also, Summer Carnival is leaving! Everything's at discount price, and I haven't been to it, so I guess I'd better hurry up.
Flight Rising
Peregine Gene is here, along with new level 8 recipies with Baldwin! I'm really excited for Starfall Celebration. If I wasn't in Light Flight, I would've chosen Arcane. I'm half/half, a dreamer, logical, philosophical, loves the allure mysterious things, imaginative, and unbiased. If I could've joined another flight, I would've done it. See what flight you're in here!
Personally, I think Arcane's Realm is the most beautiful. Starwood Strand is... gorgeous. I'm going to make a new skin for the celebration. I would make an accent as well, provided I know how much 60% is on the screen :P
Chicken Smoothie
The staff are having an amazing time trying to troll us with their secret messages. This is my first Staff Litter, and I think this time must be the most chaotic! Check out our musing on this thread; hints and trollings will be dropped by staff as well; *click*
I loved the previous years' staff pets; especially the ones with major line edits!
Warrior Cats
Haha, I know this was uncalled for, but I LOVED this series.You guys should totally check out this MAP; it's literally the perfect intro to the series, if they ever made a animation!
Fact Friday
First one!
Did you know that a flock of crows is called a murder? Bone-chilling! I guess it's because they're scavengers.