
Tuesday, 27 October 2015

firetigerx may be retiring... ;-;

Animal Jam Scammer Watch: Well, I think it's time...

Do you know who firetigerx is? I didn't, until I joined AJSWS. But you should know her. She deserves to be known.

She is the one who kickstarted the anti-scamming campaigns, who has been catching scammers since 2011 (4 years ago).

She, like every other scam catcher, deserves to be known. She is probably the most well-known scam catcher of all.

But she is retiring now, at age 18. I understand how she feels to be playing a 'kid's game'.


What a sad announcement for 'To Be Announced Tuesday'.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

The 10 Dollar Thought Experiment

This might be an interesting name for an experiment. Who knows? Anyways, if you want a little preview, here's how it started:

I came up with it later than you might think. Yesterday, in fact. Since my school has plenty of shops around it, a cafeteria, and other places to goad you into -I mean worthwhile- to spend your money at, my parents decided to hand me some money to 'put to good use' (translation: spend it on food. Hey, they have good food there!). My parents aren't the allowance type; rarely do I have money to spend. My mom handed me 10 dollars, decreeing that I better not spend all of it by the end of the month.

So this led me thinking: do people spend more money if it is in 1 bill (10 dollar bill), or in loose change (coins, etc)? Or does it even matter?

Just a bit of food for thought.

Smile Sunday:

Friday, 9 October 2015

Watch this! (The Butterfly Dragon)

It's a really beautiful animation, and the background music is perfect.

My interpretation of it (I know someone already posted something like this, but this is my version)

The small dragon (assuming it's female) is still a child, and the butterfly represents time, or experiences. The mother wakes up and watches the child, but she doesn't spend time to play with her, or enjoy the time they have left before the child turns into an adult. When the child follows the butterfly to the cliff, it turns into a dragon on the other side, representing an adult. The child is unsure of the transition between childhood and adulthood, and when she jumps and falls, that could represent the rocky time in-between. The dragon rescues her, and gives her a mask to make. When the child puts a paw on the mask, and draws on it, it could mean 'looking through the world with new eyes'. The child then returns to the mother, 'grown up', and gives her a mask as well. The mask could mean that the child wants her mother to look through the world as she does, but the mother doesn't realize that the child has 'grown up'. The child then turns into the butterfly dragon (representing an adult), and flies away, while the mother looks on, regretting the time that they haven't spent together.

Fact Friday:
Hmm... perhaps a bacon alternative for vegetarians?