
Monday, 29 February 2016

Leap Year

Feb 29, a day that occurs once per four years.

Also a day to reflect on the last four years, and your future. A Reflection Day for me, at least.

Happy Leap Year!

Friday, 19 February 2016


Ever thought of a word that you could read from another perspective and still have it mean the same? Now, I don't mean a palindrome. I mean an ambrigram.
(Also, please ignore that random page break there. I accidentally inserted it and now I have no idea how to remove that ;-;)

Saturday, 6 February 2016

The Christmas Glove Sticker Experiment - Update

According to my last post, this experiment has been going on pretty well until Friday (Jan. 15)

When I went to my locker this morning, the sticker was there. I proceeded to my classes and didn't come to my locker until lunch.
When I approaced my locker, nothing was left of the sticker but the back o the sticker, whcih was the little white sticky part.
I told my friend this, and she suggested that it might've fallen off. It indeed was on the ground, but, in lieu of making sure her prediction was correct, I dabbed a finger at the white felt. It was still sticky, and when I 're-stuck' the sticker on to see if could be held, it took quite a bit of strength to pull it off.

Thus, this experiment is officially done.

Of course, this isn't a 'real' experiment, as I have not officially recorded anything, nor have I actually manipulated variables so the result was (somewhat) specific.

But then again, this goes to show that some people can't resist pulling a sticker off a locker.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Why not pull a chair out of a pond?

[This was written yesterday, but I didn't have enough time to publish it them]

Today, I am half-frozen to death.
Today, we pulled a chair out of a pond.

Yep, good times.