
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Happy Birthday!

Little sister,

Happy Birthday! You're now about 6 hours old :)

Welcome to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America,Earth, Milky Way, Universe. Hope you enjoy it here <3

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Cook an Egg Without the Stove

Have you ever wanted to, say, fry an egg, but you couldn't use the stove (for whatever reason, including, but not limited to: parents, laziness, last-minute-snack, alien abduction, just-don't-want-to-get-up, etc).

Well, here's your solution! (Couresty of my friend):
You can actually cook an egg with a microwave!

All you need is: an egg, salt/pepper (optional, for seasoning), a microwaveable bowl, and a microwave.

1.) Crack the egg into the bowl.

2.) Stir the egg with chopsticks/fork, etc. (Important: Please don't miss this step! The egg will explode and make a mess in your microwave!)

3.) Add seasoning (try not to overdo it; a pinch is good enough!)

4.) Microwave for about a minute. (I microwave it for 1:11). Please make sure that the egg is edible before you eat it! (No runny yolks/whites).

5.) Enjoy :)

(It doesn't taste the same as a fried egg, but it's also healthy! No oil needed!)